you have a clear mind that accurately perceives the world around us. I appreciate you. I hope you can remain strong in your effort to speak truth to, maybe not power but to, anyone who will read you. I especially liked the section where you enumerate the ways you do make an effort to do what is right. I just turned 70. I have been eating right since reading Diet for a Small Planet in 1971. I did my best to teach all that to my children. I have driven a hybrid since 2013. I am tired. I am not sure how much longer I can go on engaging in all the debating points from the 'other' side that uses all the fake news and BS right wing-nut talking points. I am quickly coming to the conclusion that 1. there is no conspiracy. 2. There are people with severe psychosis in charge. 3. Mother Nature knows what she is doing in removing many of our species, hopefully before we can do too much more damage. I hope you remain well and healthy.